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  • Writer's pictureMariah Aurora

2019 Year end Review

Let's get 100% honest. It's time for me to be transparent. We are starting off the year with a challenge so I am challenging myself to get real with you.

Most of 2019 I felt like a total failure. I spent a lot of time worrying about my finances, struggling in my relationships and wondering what the hell I am doing with my life.

I didn't want to share that with people because I thought it made me look unqualified.

When New Year came around my mastermind group asked what we accomplished in 2019 and my perspective shifted in an instant in 2019 I:

-started off the year in a coaching program that helped me envision a better life for myself

-created the Laws of the universe workshop which is a 6 hour workshop that teaches you all the energetic, metaphysical and spiritual laws that we live by and through mastery of these laws you can totally transform your experience on earth into one beyond your wildest dreams

-put together the Get Your Sh*t Together mini-course which contains over 6 hours of mind-blowing content plus a bonus meditation and tips on how to nurture your body

-designed the Body Beauty Badass hybrid coaching course for women who are ready to get into the best shape of their life and feel stunning while doing it (and of course loving every minute!)

-created partnerships with other powerful coaches

-made tons of free content in the form of blog posts, videos and downloadables for my network

-created a website so amazing that a web developer looked at it and said "I can't make a better site than this."

-got myself support (emotional and spiritual) so that I can continue to improve my communication and relationships

-got my first dog who has taught me about unconditional love deeply it makes my heart ache. I never knew that I could care so deeply about something or someone (and I've been married twice!)

-learned about boundaries and the importance of setting and enforcing them even when it doesn't feel good. Sometimes the most loving thing you can do hurts at first.

-helped others manifest a life they didn't think was even in the cards for them and now they're dreaming even bigger!

-helped someone else become a first-time published author

-plus a few bodybuilding and spartan race accomplishments

Overall there is SO much for me to feel grateful for and feel successful about. The year was all about creation, and producing content that helps others. I didn't realize how much I built in 2019 and its so easy to forget that when starting any business you have to do some things to make it ready for customers (like have inventory lol).

It's a lesson that I teach that I also need to learn on a deeper level: focus on what's going right, not what's going wrong. Had I spent more energy focusing on what was right I would have had a lot more energy to put toward growing the good things and could have had a totally different result.

So this upcoming challenge, the 2020 New Chapter Challenge, is as much for me as it is for the participants. We will ALL be growing together!

We will be setting new goals for our new decade and then get to work on the inner and outer work required to make it happen!


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